Getting started

Install nsml

Download the NSML for your platform from the page.

Or you can use wget command. (The example below help you download the mac version of NSML.)


Install local-nsml

What is a local-nsml?

This is a Python package to prevent the ImportError on the NSML library when debugging code posted to NSML locally.

Assuming pip is already installed, you can enter the following command.

pip install git+


You need to login to use NSML.Log in with your Github username and password.In the source code below shows log in using nsmlteam Github ID.

$ nsml login
INFO[2019/07/18 16:05:38.667] connecting to
GitHub Username: nsml-admin
GitHub Password: ****************
INFO[2019/07/18 16:05:55.570] Welcome to NSML!

Path registration

It is recommended that you set the path to run nsml on multiple paths. If you get the following error message when you run nsml login, you need to set the path.

-bash: nsml: command not found

Let’s look at how to set the path. First, enter the folder where the nsml exe. file is located, then type pwd and copy the path. Assume that pwd is /Users/user/Documents/nsml_client.darwin.amd64.hack.

$ pwd

Then run the command export PATH=$PATH: and path from pwd. The entire command is export PATH = $ PATH: [pwd path].

$ export PATH=$PATH:/Users/user/Documents/nsml_client.darwin.amd64.hack

Once the path is set up, nsml login is available on any path.

Run a session

When you type nsml run command, dataset must be specified with the -d optionThe dataset name in the example is mnist and is specified with -d mnist.You can optionally specify an entry file with -e

nsml run -d mnist -e

In the example below, we’ll run the baseline code for this hackathon through nsml run.

Clone Github’s baseline repository first.

$ git clone
Cloning into 'airush'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 48, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (48/48), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (31/31), done.
remote: Total 48 (delta 14), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (48/48), done.

$ nsml run -d mnist -e
INFO[2019/07/18 16:11:20.959] .nsmlignore check - start
INFO[2019/07/18 16:11:20.959] .nsmlignore check - done
INFO[2019/07/18 16:11:20.996] file integrity check - start
INFO[2019/07/18 16:11:20.998] file integrity check - done
INFO[2019/07/18 16:11:21.001] .nsmlignore 16 B - start
INFO[2019/07/18 16:11:21.001] .nsmlignore 16 B - done (1/5 20.00%) (16 B/18 KiB 0.09%)
INFO[2019/07/18 16:11:21.001] 9.1 KiB - start
INFO[2019/07/18 16:11:21.001] 9.1 KiB - done (2/5 40.00%) (9.2 KiB/18 KiB 50.32%)
INFO[2019/07/18 16:11:21.001] 1.5 KiB - start
INFO[2019/07/18 16:11:21.002] 1.5 KiB - done (3/5 60.00%) (11 KiB/18 KiB 58.57%)
INFO[2019/07/18 16:11:21.002] 7.3 KiB - start
INFO[2019/07/18 16:11:21.002] 7.3 KiB - done (4/5 80.00%) (18 KiB/18 KiB 98.81%)
INFO[2019/07/18 16:11:21.002] 221 B - start
INFO[2019/07/18 16:11:21.002] 221 B - done (5/5 100.00%) (18 KiB/18 KiB 100.00%)
Building docker image. It might take for a while
Session nsmlteam/mnist/1 is started

So far, we’ve looked at the basic usage of NSML. In the next part, we will look at the commands used in NSML.