Fork a session


nsml fork Options SESSION_NAME


Regenerate session by forking.


For fork to work properly, The following conditions must be met:

  1. You must be able to receive reserved arguments from the entry file.

  2. and nsml.load should work properly.

  3. nsml.paused should be called.

nsml fork nsmlteam/mnist/4
-a, --args

The arguments to pass to the new session.

ex) nsml fork -a “–batch=1000 –lr=0.02” SESSION_NAME

-c, --checkpoint

Specifies the checkpoint of the model to fetch from the forked session.

ex) nsml fork -c 15 SESSION_NAME

-g, --gpus

Enter the number of gpu you want to assign.

ex) nsml fork -g 4 SESSION_NAME

--shm-size string

Required share memory size. (default ‘1G’)

--memory string

Required share memory size. (default ‘1G’)


The number of cpu to use. (default 2)

ex) nsml fork –cpu 4 SESSION_NAME